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Tuesday 16 April 2019

Fisher 3D Printer Widget

This isn't for either of my Fishers, rather it is for a friend who has a Fisher that only prints when the Bowden tube is held in a particular orientation. This is odd and hopefully a proper solution will come forth. Until it does, I knocked up a widget that hopefully will perform the 'holding in a particular position' job. The position is vertical, so it was easy to make this widget on the lathe:

The pneumatic fitting is the latest way that the Fisher attaches the Bowden tube to the effector. Both of my printers have the tube screwed directly into he heatsink. The tube comes out at quite an angle and I see no problems.

The widget has a hole each end, one for the tube:

and one for the pneumatic fitting:

The fitting is a (very) snug fit into the end:

The flat is to provide some clearance for the fan which is close to the tube entry point. This could maybe have been 3D printed, but I didn't have any dimensions for the part, other than a 4mm hole for the tube. I machined the fitting hole by performing many test fits as I bored the hole out. To 3D print this would have taken many prints to get the correct fit. Hopefully Aluminium is a bit more rigid and durable than PLA.

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