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Saturday 20 April 2019

Cheap DRO Revisited

I thought it was time I revisited the cheap DRO, so I have put the files on github and made a video showing it all working. The files are very much a dump of my code and PCB files, there's no guarantee it will build.

DRO Github

It's a start though, if you want to have a go at making one. The video shows the physical arrangement and also shows the update rate.

I milled the PCBs on my CNC3020, so they were very cheap, if you were to have them made then you'd probably want to reduce the size quite a bit, or the cost could be quite high. They are all single sided.
I have not put it in a case, I have mounted it up high in the workshop so chips don't get to it (I only have a mini-lathe and mill, so they don't throw things about much).

I think the cost I gave of £150 is probably quite a bit on the high side, as I milled the PCBs, which is cheap and used cheap calipers. Some discrete components came from my parts bin, too.

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