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Friday 12 April 2019

Coffee "Machine"

The old coffee machine that we use is probably going to fail soon, it's second hand and pretty old. I saw a simple Japanese design a while back and decided to have a go at something similar. My version uses cheap Chinese components sourced from Ebay and some recycled  bits and bobs.

There's a filter in a funnel that direct coffee into a jug below. The funnel, filter and jug are ebay items. The stand is made from part of an old chair frame and some wood from a tree we had taken down in the garden.

It makes pretty good coffee, but has the downside that you have to pour the water through the coffee over a few minutes, it's not very automatic. It does have the advantage that you can quickly make a single cup of coffee, probably quicker than the automatic machine can manage.

The filter is metal, I had to cut a handle off it so it had a circular outline and would fit in the funnel.

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