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Sunday 27 September 2015

Wedgwood Jasper Trial Tray

We went to the Wedgwood museum a year or two ago and one of the exhibits caught my eye. It was a tray of jasper trials. Wedgwood made thousands of trials of different recipes of jasper in order to perfect the properties and colour of his jasper ceramic. Some of these trial pieces have been collected and arranged in a tray in one of the cabinets at the museum.There's a few photos of the tray around the web, like here:

Rather than get a poster, I decided to create a replica of the tray. The tray itself wouldn't be a problem, a simple wooden ray will do, stained to match the original.

Polymer clay can be mixed to match the colours fairly well, so far the sample pieces are matching quite well:

The next stage is to stamp the trial numbers on each piece, and then add the extra details of handwritten labels etc. I've bought some larger number stamps, my current set is too small at 5mm.

After that I'll make a tray and then mount the pieces in the tray.

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