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Tuesday 25 September 2018

Tally Board

Well, I'm not sure what it is called, really, but as you can tally with it I think it's a tally board. Counting square? Anyway I made it many days ago and it has been used for a bit then left for a longer while. I decided to package it up.

I've done a short video of the finished board here:

It's a square with a lot of holes in it for peg things. The peg things were from a glitter pen set I think, I didn't make them. So it's a re-use project too.

So you can keep track of things with it. Count things. I made it originally to save the pegs from the bin, I don't like throwing away things that look like they are useful.So I made a board to hold them in. The board I originally made had a 7x7 grid and the holes had a diameter that was a miniscule, tiny bit too small for the pegs, so it didn't feel nice putting them in the holes.
I reprinted the boardwith an 8x8 grid, which just feels nicer.
There's also a single hole board, for special counts:

I used this set once for counting swearing. The big board was for normal words, each rox for a different word, or maybe a differen tperson, I alternated. Then for very very good (or bad) swear words, one utterance and the peg goes in the single hole board and you have won the game.

When I remade the boards I printed them with a small increase in diameter and also printed the board in 'glow in the dark' PLA. (Faberdashery PLA again).

So you can count things in the dark. the pegs don't glow though.

 The box I made is a simple plywood box, glued and nailed together.

The catch is a small one, I used this as the lid is very thin and I needed something that would fit on that lid. I original fitted a hook catch, but I'm not a big fan of those and fitted a chrome button type catch afterwards.

Inside the box there's two compartments, one fits the 8x8 board and one holds the pegs and the single hole board.

The bottom of the box is lined with crushed velvet and the outside of the box is painted with some blue paint I had.

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