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Friday 28 September 2018

Broken Clamp

back in the mist of the past I bought some clamps for holding stuff together while they glue.  Anyway, they were made of a cheese that wasn't quite strong enough for the job they had to do and two of them broke years ago. The handle that you use to close the clamp snapped off. They look like this when they aren't broken:

Yesterday another one broke, which meant I had three broken clamps. This was getting a bit silly so I had a look and thought I could 3D print a new one. Maybe. So I started a design, then, about fifteen minutes into that I wondered if maybe somebody else had had the same problem and designed a replacement. A quick hunt on Thingiverse and I had found a replacement handle for a clamp that looked very similar:

I had a go at printing it, but the print failed a couple of times as there was plastic that was being printed on the edge of a face that was in mid air. This was curling upwards and fouling the print head. I turned the print through 90 degrees and that was much better. I had a handle, even though it was a bit rough on one side.

The handle fits almost perfectly. It's a bit wide and so doesn't allow the spring to return the handle after it is compressed, but that can be fixed.

I'll see how it gets on...

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