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Monday 5 February 2018

A Different Disk Drive Teardown

There's a lot of disk drive tear-downs and disassembly videos on YouTube, but I have done another one. This one is different in that I have used some of my tools to tear the drive apart to a greater depth than I have seen elsewhere. I've decapped ICs, chopped the PCB up and chopped into bearings. There were some surprises too.

The first video is here:

 There's currently seven parts, some more may come along afterwards.

Part 2 (PCB Disassembly):

Part 3 (PCB Layers and a transistor):

Part 4:(The Tu Device)

Part 5 (Smooth Dillon and LSI Chips):

Part 6 (Flash Chips):

Part 7(The Heads and chip):

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