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Wednesday 17 January 2018

Olympus BHM Panasonic GF1 Micro Four Thirds Camera Mount

Now I have a new LED lighting arrangement on the Olympus microscope I need a way to attach my Panasonic GF1 camera properly. Up until now I've used a tripod to point the camera down the camera port or just rested the camera on top. I have also pointed the camera down an eyepiece, but I end up with vignetting if I do that with a lens. I bought an eyepiece adapter which mechanically is fine, but I ended up with weird rings when I tried to take a photo. I've no idea what was going on. So I 3D printed a camera tube:

there's a taper at the camera port end and I've put some insulation tape in there to get a nice soft tight fit. The top of the tube slides in to a micro four thirds to OM adapter I bought. There's a screw I can use to attach it but the tube is such a good fit it's not necessary. It turns out that even with the thickness of the tube it is still not opaque to light, so I covered the tube in aluminium foil.

I've done a short video showing the tube here:

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