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Friday 22 July 2016

Main DRO PCB 2.0

I've decided to put the entire Lexpresso card onto the DRO main board as it saves me the hassle of laying out a processor board, and I get the debugger/programmer half of the card as well. I can lay out a processor card later if I want to. The card also has nice 0.1inch holes for mounting on a PCB, which the Arduinos don't I thought about using and Arduino Mega, but mounting it was just too difficult.

New main PCB being milled:

I'm doing two passes, the first with a 0.6mm bit and the second with a 0.2mm bit. The first pass gives me more clearance around the tracks and pads and th eseocnd does th efine isolation. This should make it a bit easier to solder without shorts like I had on the first PCB. Of course, it means two 7 hour milling sessions, not one, but it's probably worth it.

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