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Monday 20 May 2024

 Stainless Steel Sewing Kit

Quite a while ago I bought a stainless steel cigar tube with no real idea what I'd use it for. I knew I'd do something with it, and finally I have. 

Now and again I do some sewing repairs and for that you need a few needles and some thread. On Kickstarter, also a long time ago now, there was a project for a container that held some needles and thread. I was looking forward to getting it and being able to have a safe sewing pack in the house. Unfortunately it never arrived due to various things, not least of which, COVID. I did get a couple of Crane knives instead though, as the same people made those, as compensation. Time passed, and I came to the conclusion that the cigar tube would do as a container for a sewing pack. I put some thread on a reel in there and stuck some needles in some plastic foam and there you go, a sewing kit. It was not pretty, though, and getting the needles out of the foam that they were poked into was painful now and again. So, I made an insert that holds the needles that fits in the cigar tube. Hopefully no more pain when finding a needle.

The needle holder fits in the tube with a reel of thread and another tube which doesn't really have a purpose at the moment, it may later on.

The insert fits nicely into the tube:

There's o rings on the lids which hold them firmly in the tube, so they won't just fall out, you can see the o ring in one of the photos above. We'll see how I get on with it...

The Kickstarter (Darter) is here:

It's smaller than the cigar tube and (I forgot this) it's a pen.

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