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Friday 30 October 2020

Is This the Past, or the Future?

We have a rainwater harvesting system, which comprises a large tank in the garden fed by rainwater, a submerged pump in the tank and a pump controller in a cupboard in the kitchen. Yesterday our washing machine that is fed from the rainwater had it's red 'Check input' light on. Not good. What was even less good was the water that had been squirted up onto the roof of the cupboard. The problem was a diaphragm that is used, I believe, in a pressure switch that the controller uses to determine that it has pumped enough and should switch the pump off. It had split, allowing water into the expansion chamber above it and out of an air bleed hole. 

You can just see the split on the front left of the diaphragm. Well, the obvious thing to do is to get a replacement part. A lot of the time this is not possible, because they are unobtainable or the unit is obsolete and parts are not available any more. Well, I was quite surprised when I found out that this part is indeed available (and in stock). That's mildly unusual, but what makes it more unusual is that my controller is now superseded by another unit. That unit uses an identical diaphragm. The new controller also uses a new lower power controller, but it has been designed with the same footprint and mounting as the old one, so it can be used in the old controller housing. I've not seen this level of parts interchangeability much, maybe not at all.  It means that the design of the new controller has seemingly foregone extra profit from people having to replace controller units in favour of allowing repair and replacement of parts.

This isn't the first problem I've had, a while back a capacitor failed, and I replaced it:

Another surprise that happened during that repair was that the controller was built from standard ICs and components. It is not a microcontroller based design. There is no firmware. If the controller PCB fails it is possible to repair it or even make a new PCB. This controller appears to be repairable for quite some time to come. 

So is this a design from the past, where almost everything was repairable and electrical and electronic equipment even came with circuit diagrams? Or is it a design from the future that uses the minimum disposable parts and doesn't have built-in obsolescence?

Either way, I like it.

Wednesday 28 October 2020

Sharp PC-G850VS PIC programmer

Sharp PC-G850VS PIC Programmer

The PC-G850VS is a remarkable pocket computer that was only ever sold in Japan. 

One of the features that make it so interesting is a built-in PIC assembler. This can be used to assemble programs for the PIC16F84 or PIC16F84A.  Just assembling code isn't that much fun though, but fortunately you can attach a programming PCB to the 11 pin connector. The PC-G850VS has built-in PIC programming code to match the assembler. There's a design or two on the internet and I designed a PCB around one of them. I added series resistors to the PIO lines as protection and fiddled with the zener diode values but otherwise the circuit was the one I found.

Microtan Arduino Card

Microtan Arduino Card Part 1

The rack mounted Microtan system has the useful feature that it is, well, rack mounted. This means you can attach anything to it by building a card. After building the cassette interface PCB that uses a serial data connection to save and load data, I was wondering if there was a better way to load and save programs from the Microtan. One that was faster and could maybe read and write directly from and to the SD card without using an intermediate RAM buffer. I could use RS232 and handshaking (might try that sometime), but it's still serial. then I wondered about DMA on the bus. Could I build a card that read and wrote directly to and from memory? The TANBUS does have signals that allow DMA access, so it should be possible. There's a block of memory on the Microtan 65 that isn't accessible, but everything else is. What would do the accesses? Well, why not an Arduino Mega? It runs off 5V and has plenty of GPIOs. With DMA it doesn't have to buffer much data as it can do direct reads and writes to the card. It could also maybe monitor the bus and do bus capture traces. It's not got a very fast processor at 18MHz, but the Tanbus is only 750kHz, so it might be possible to capture traces in code.

It was worth an experiment, so I made some PCBs that had a Mega Pro embedded on a card that fitted in the rack.

Once populated I ran  some simple code to sample the bus asynchronously. This appeared:

Microtan 65 DMA Gadget

00: FE03-FF  FE04-7F  FE01-0C  FE05-FF  FE07-FF  FE03-FF  0004-FE  FE05-0C 
08: FE06-FF  FE07-FF  FE03-FF  0001-FF  FE05-FF  FE06-FF  FE07-FF  FE04-FF 
10: 0001-71  FE05-FF  FE06-FF  FE03-FF  FE04-FF  FE01-7F  FE05-FF  FE07-FF 
18: FE03-FF  0004-FF  FE05-DF  FE06-FF  FE07-FF  FE03-FF  0001-6E  FE05-FF 
20: FE06-FF  FE07-FF  FE04-FF  0001-00  FE05-FF  FE06-FF  FE03-FF  FE04-7F 
28: FE01-04  FE06-FF  FE07-FF  FE03-FF  0004-FE  FE05-00  FE06-FE  FE07-FF 
30: FE03-FF  0001-FF  FE05-FF  FE06-FF  FE07-FF  FE04-FF  0001-01  FE05-FF 
38: FE06-FF  FE03-FF  FE04-FF  FE01-FF  FE06-FF  FE07-FF  FE03-FF  0004-FF 
40: FE05-9F  FE06-FF  FE07-FF  FE03-FF  0001-FE  FE05-FF  FE06-FF  FE07-FF 
48: FE04-FF  0001-04  FE05-FF  FE07-FF  FE03-FF  0204-FE  FE01-04  FE06-FF 
50: FE07-FF  FE03-FF  0004-FE  FE05-00  FE06-FF  FE07-FF  FE03-FF  0001-FE 
58: FE05-FF  FE06-FF  FE03-FF  FE04-FF  0001-09  FE05-FF  FE07-FF  FE03-FF 
60: 0004-FF  FE01-DF  FE06-FF  FE07-FF  FE03-FF  0004-6F  FE05-87  FE06-FF 
68: FE07-FF  FE03-FF  0001-FF  FE05-FF  FE06-FF  FE03-FF  FE04-FF  0001-00 
70: FE05-FF  FE07-FF  FE03-FF  0004-7E  FE01-00  FE06-FF  FE07-FF  FE03-FF 
78: 0004-FF  FE05-01  FE06-FF  FE07-FF  FE04-FF  0001-00  FE05-FF  FE06-FF 
80: FE03-FF  FE04-FF  FE01-09  FE05-FF  FE07-FF  FE03-FF  0004-FF  FE01-FF 
88: FE06-FF  FE07-FF  FE03-FF  0004-FF  FE05-0F  FE06-FF  FE07-FF  FE04-FF 
90: 0001-71  FE05-FF  FE06-FF  FE03-FF  FE04-FE  FE01-04  FE05-FF  FE07-FF 
98: FE03-FF  0004-7E  FE01-00  FE06-FF  FE07-FF  FE03-FF  0001-FE  FE05-FF 
A0: FE06-FF  FE07-FF  FE04-FF  0001-C9  FE05-FF  FE06-FF  FE03-FF  FE04-FF 
A8: FE01-09  FE05-FF  FE07-FF  FE03-FF  0004-6F  FE01-FF  FE06-FF  FE07-FF 
B0: FE03-FF  0001-FF  FE05-FF  FE06-FF  FE07-FF  FE04-FF  0001-00  FE05-FF 
B8: FE06-FF  FE03-FF  FE04-FE  FE01-00  FE05-FF  FE07-FF  FE03-FF  0004-FF 
C0: FE05-01  FE06-FF  FE07-FF  FE03-FF  0001-FF  FE05-FF  FE06-FF  FE07-FF 
C8: FE04-FF  0001-51  FE05-FF  FE06-FF  FE03-FF  FE04-FF  FE01-81  FE04-FF 
D0: FE07-FF  FE03-FF  0004-FF  FE05-15  FE06-FF  FE07-FF  FE03-FF  0001-FF 
D8: FE05-FF  FE06-FF  FE07-FF  FE04-FF  0001-00  FE05-FF  FE06-FF  FE03-FF 
E0: FE04-FE  FE01-00  FE06-FF  FE07-FF  FE03-FF  0004-FF  FE05-80  FE06-FF 
E8: FE07-FF  FE03-FF  0001-FF  FE05-FF  FE06-FF  FE07-FF  FE04-FF  0001-19 
F0: FE05-FF  FE07-FF  FE03-FD  FE04-FF  FE01-05  FE06-FF  FE07-FF  FE03-FF 
F8: 0004-FF  FE05-9F  FE06-FF  FE07-FF  FE03-FF  0001-FF  FE05-FF  FE06-FF

The 16 bit numbers are the address bus, and the addresses shown correspond to the POLLKB loop in the TANBUG program. So it seems to work for the addresses. The data bus isn't as good, but that could be because the trace is asynchronous and the data bus doesn't have data on it as long as the address bus does.

I then wrote some code that used the DMA mechanism to read data from memory areas. This stops the processor from accessing the bus and takes over as a bus master. Data can then be read and written as desired.

The principle looks good, but this card has a few problems:

1. It isn't fast enough to capture bus traffic reliably.
2. There's not a lot of RAM on a Mega, so dumping large amounts of the memory space of the Microtan is a problem.
3. I didn't include an SD card, which is a very useful way of getting data into and out of the card and the Microtan

To attempt to overcome these problems a V2.0 card was laid out.

This one uses an STM32F103 with 1Mb of flash and 96Kb of RAM. This is a much more usable size of memory, the RAM allows all of the Microtan memory to be dumped with space to spare, and the large amount of flash allows images to be stored. The processor is much faster too, running at 72MHz. 
The device supply is up to 3V6 so a 3V3 regulator is used and the GPIOs that deal with the bus signals are 5V tolerant. The 5V tolerance is only functional when the GPIOs are set up as inputs, but that is a the normal state while monitoring the bus. When the bus is driven and GPIOs are outputs, however then there could be a problem if the circuitry on the Microtan has a pull-up, for instance. We'll have to see how delicate the STM32F103 chip is when faced with this sort of work.

I've only tried this V2.0 card out briefly and the signs aren't good. I don't think that the ARM processor has been destroyed, but the card doesn't seem to work. I get addresses of 0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,0,... and the data bus is always 0xFF. It's all a bit too deterministic to be voltage thresholds, well, I think so at the moment. I'll have to investigate...