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Thursday 19 April 2018

More Maslow

The Maslow has been used quite a bit recently, and there have been a couple of problems. The chain was still jumping so I checked on the forum and found that another user had put the nylon chain guides (which I don't use any more as I have 3D printed some) close to the sprocket to stop the chain riding up on the sprocket teeth and then jumping. So I did the same:

This stopped the chain jumping completely. I haven't had a single jump since I did this. Unfortunately I did then have the chain fail to leave the sprocket correctly and it wrapped itself round the sprocket:

This isn't good, probably worse than a chain jump actually, as it can damage the machine. I checked to forum again and found that a weight hanging off the chain would probably help here, so I dangled a couple of power tools off the chains and that problem has gone away.

I then managed to cut all the remaining chair legs that I need to complete the set of six chairs I am working on. (I'm sitting on chair number two as I type this...).

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