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Thursday 19 April 2018

An Arduino Case

A friend is working on an Arduino based project and wanted a case for the Arduino Uno and an LCD shield. He pointed me at this case:

A couple of printing sessions later (it took about an hour for the top and bottom halves, and 20mins or so for six buttons) and we have a case for the electronics:

As cases go it is nice to hold as it is curved, and fits together pretty well with the clips holding the top to the bottom. I'd prefer the case was screwed together, but there's no provision for that. the butons will need trimming I think, but after that it should work pretty well.
I used natural PLA (faberdashery) and that is transparent-ish and so all the Arduino LEDs shine through the case, giving a colourful effect.

More Maslow

The Maslow has been used quite a bit recently, and there have been a couple of problems. The chain was still jumping so I checked on the forum and found that another user had put the nylon chain guides (which I don't use any more as I have 3D printed some) close to the sprocket to stop the chain riding up on the sprocket teeth and then jumping. So I did the same:

This stopped the chain jumping completely. I haven't had a single jump since I did this. Unfortunately I did then have the chain fail to leave the sprocket correctly and it wrapped itself round the sprocket:

This isn't good, probably worse than a chain jump actually, as it can damage the machine. I checked to forum again and found that a weight hanging off the chain would probably help here, so I dangled a couple of power tools off the chains and that problem has gone away.

I then managed to cut all the remaining chair legs that I need to complete the set of six chairs I am working on. (I'm sitting on chair number two as I type this...).

Monday 9 April 2018

Sometimes Things Don't Go Right

The chairs I've been making recently have four curved bars across the back. I've been cutting them on the Maslow. They look like this when they are finished:

I cut them with a router set to about 60mm depth and a toolpath that runs up and down the concave side taking off 2mm at a time. It then runs back and forth across the conves side taking off 2mm at a time. I hold the blanks to the Maslow base using a couple of 70mm screws. This is fine, except that on the latest part I was cutting the screws came loose, I think because the vibration of the routing and pressure of the tool was wearing the holes in the base. It's made of chipboard and the screws just got loose. Once the part started moving, the router made a hell of a noise and did this to the workpiece

The bit has ripped the wood apart.
I'm now going to try to use some 6mm studding through the workpiece and see if that lasts longer than the screw method. I only have seven more to do I think, so hopefully it will stand up for that long. I need a new blank now too...