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Sunday 13 August 2017

Maslow Arrival
My Maslow CNC router kit has arrived, so I have been making a frame for it. The frame is a one-off that fits on a wheeled trolley I made a while ago for sheet material storage. The dimensions seem to be absolutely correct for a Maslow frame, strangely, as I didn't build it with the CNC machine in mind.
The kit looks like this after it has exited the box.

The frame so far is a double A frame with some chipboard flooring for a sacrificial routing surface. (It's really cheap, which means it is comfortably sacrificial).

The A frame is constructed similarly to the standard Maslow frame, and I'm keeping the dimensions very similar even though I will be using smaller plywood sheets than the 8 x 4 foot sheets Maslow was designed for.
I'm planning on putting triangular motor mounts on the cross beam, hopefully they will be rigid enough for the motor/chain stresses. If not, then I'll look at a single beam across the top and supports. I'm using up a lot of material I have hanging around, hence a different design and varied materials.

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