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Wednesday 30 November 2016

Sharp PC1211

Sharp PC1211

This one was iconic back in it's time. It's still a nice small BASIC pocket computer, but the initial problem I had with it was the batteries. It uses 1.35V mercury cells originally, and they aren't available any more as mercury is very naughty.

Most modern button cells are alkaline and generate 1.5V, so putting four of those in this machine would result in 6V, which is quite a bit higher than the 5.4V that the mercury cells would have generated. It's probably going to cause a failure at such a voltage. Fortunately, if you add a diode in series with the batteries you can get 5.4V from 6V as 0.6V is the standard diode forward voltage drop. I also have a service manual for this machine and looking at the circuit diagram it looks like there's no centre tap taken from the batteries, so the lower voltage should work.
I soldered a diode in to the machine, which was easy as there's plenty of room available:

The new diode is the one to the right of the diode with the yellow stripe on it. It's a bog standard 1N4148 I had in stock. After fitting some LR44 batteries, the PC1211 started up:

Jolly good news. I'll see how happy it in in the long term.
The printer is a different story and for now hasn't sprung into life. There's an internal battery pack which looks remarkably well considering it's age, so I'll try recharging that for a while. If that fails, then I'll swap the batteries for new ones.


Liquidream said...

Did the diode trick work?
I've just picked up one of these (cheap), and I'd love to get it working.
Alas, I'm not much of an electrician (put it this way, I don't even own a soldering iron!)
Or dya think I could get away with compatible batteries?
Thanks in advance.

Liquidream said...

Did the diode trick work?
I've just picked up one of these (cheap), and I'd love to get it working.
Alas, I'm not much of an electrician (put it this way, I don't even own a soldering iron!)
Or dya think I could get away with compatible batteries?
Thanks in advance.

Liquidream said...

Did the "fix" work long-term?
Would you recommend it (for someone not very skilled with electronics)?

amen said...

I haven't used the 1211 much since I did th emod but I've seen no problem with it. It's a pretty simple soldering job, but is a bit fiddly. If you're not happy doing it then maybe you can find someone who does electronics? Anyone who has done some soldering should be OK doing the mod. Open your 1211 up and have a look and see if you'd be happy doing it...

miho said...

Thanks! Worked like a charm :)