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Monday 14 December 2015

Faberdashery Filament Storage

i have bought quite a lot of filamanet from Faberdashery in the UK. It's very good quality, but it doesn't come on a rell, which can be a pain. I have made reels in the past, but the coil of filament needed to be wound onto the reel, which was time consuming.

So, I made a reel out of cardboard and printed blocks:

The advantage of this reel is that you can unscrew one of the cardboard sides, slip a coil of filament in and screw the side back on. This makes it much easier to fit the coil to a reel.

Once the reel is screwed together I slip it on a filament bar that I fitted to the printing bench.

There's a couple of cardboard reels on the filament bar, the one on the far left is a wooden version I made, which is a lot more robust, but the cardboard ones have been pretty good so far. They also have the advantage that the corrugated cardboard is perfectly formed to act as a filaement end holder, as you can see on the black filament reel in the middle. You can tuck the end of the filament into the cardboard corrugation hole to stop the reel unwinding.

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