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Thursday 13 July 2017

Canopy Fitting Fix

The canopy fitting that I remade in nylon was taken to Italy and tried out. The pivot bolt and nut were fouling on the part that this remade part fits into, so I have dropped the bolt and nuts by counter-boring the holes:

I used a 20mm Forstner bit to do this. The bolt and nut are now much lower and hopefully should easily clear the
other part:

I bought some stainless bolts, nuts and washers as I realised that the canopy is going to be used by the sea, and the original bolts were maybe not going to weather sea water exposure very well.

Wednesday 12 July 2017

Distance Increaser

When washing nappies in the toilet it's always nice to have a distance increaser, or, to give it it's Latin name: A Pair of Tongs.
They keep your hands away from the juice found in toilets and allow movement of nappies without the brown tipping of fingers.

These can be made out of wood, and when made quickly out of offcuts of wood and a homemade hinge (old PC case) they tend to be crap.

When remade (from the same materials) they can be a lot better.

Special slider that stops the ends from missing as the tongs twist:

DIY hinges as the hinge pot was empty (made from old PC case sheet material):

In between the wooden bits, there's a spring, held captive by the slider:

It works a lot better.