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Thursday 2 March 2017

When You Have a Remote Control RGB Lightbulb...

... you always turn the lightswitch on and off instead of using the remote. It's just habit. So, one of these is needed:

the light switch is still accessible:

Wednesday 1 March 2017

Latest OLED Watches

The latest iterations of the OLED watch are finally approaching wearable. Well, the first of the two is wearable but a bit thick. The second is much more wearable size.

The first iteration is the smallest PCB so far fitted into a 3D printed case and mounted on a cloth strap latched with velcro.

The switches are mounted on the top and the clear front flexes when they are pressed.

The overall thickness is 15mm, which is a bit too thick to wear comfortably. It gets caught on sleeves and catches easily on fabric.

The latest iteration is a one that doesn't use a PCB. This removes 1.6mm of thickness immediately, but makes the construction more manual.

The wiring is manually laid out and not very tidy. the thickness is much less, at 9mm, or 10mm to the tops of the front cover screws. Compared to my main watch this is very similar.

The components are mounted in a 3D printed frame like this earlier version:

The minimum thickness is fixed by the switches that I have used. The wiring adds a millimetre or so to the thickness, that could be reduced by inlaying the wires into the frame. More use could also be made of the 3D space in the frame. At the moment there are no components on top of components.

Using a PLA 3D printed frame is useful as it is possible to heat components and wiring up with a soldering iron and push it into the PLA. This then holds the component firm when the plastic cools.

There may be a better way to wire the components, maybe using a smaller PCB that just has the surface mount components on it.