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Tuesday 31 December 2019

Fix of a Fix

The tripod I use broke a couple of years after I bought it. I think i dropped the tripod, or it fell over, I can't remember. I didn't want to throw it away and I must have just built my first 3D printer, so I modelled and printed a new part for it. A while later another clamp on the tripod failed, so I modelled that (it was a different size) and fixed that problem.

Recently I had started to notice that one replaced clamp was a bit loose. Of course, I carried on using the tripod until the part failed, which is did a few days ago.

The broken part is here:

I think this was printed on my Mendel, but however I did it it looks like I was using very little infill at the time. You can see here

that there's none, really.

I printed the new part at a higher infill figure (50%) and also at a layer height of 0.1mm rather than 0.2mm. This leads to a denser part that hopefully will last a bit longer than the original.

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