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Wednesday 23 February 2022

Chinese Questions

It's always a good idea to have descriptive labels when coding, it is extra information that is useful for code comprehension. So:


is a nicely description label, and 


is a shorter way to name a procedure that turns a light on. If you have code that does something then you quite often have code that checks that the something has been done. This is code that asks a question and the obvious way to name such a function is as:


this isn't valid in at least C. The simple way to solve this problem is to drop the question mark:


and infer the question from the context. That's the same name as the function's partner procedure, though, and that doesn't work. You end up with something like:


Which is fine but a bit cumbersome (well I think so). It turns out that the Chinese language comes to the rescue here, as Chinese indicates a question using the suffix 'ma'. I'm not an expert in Chinese and don't have to be as the key point is that I can write that suffix in plain text. So, we can create a label that asks a question:


The pair of labels for code that does something and the code that checks that same something is now very consistently named and this rule is easy to apply. It's also probably confusing to anyone who reads the code, unfortunately, so should be explained somewhere obvious.

1 comment:

ukulelethoughts said...

back in the day when I was a lisp programmer we solved the same problem with the suffix _p for the word predicate. I stil do. Cheers...